July:  The Start of the Columbian Year

At our last Council meeting, we elected our new slate of officers.  New directors have been appointed by the Grand Knight and all will be commissioned at the July Council Meeting.

As part of the new year, we have been preparing the calendar for the upcoming year, which leads to a new budget for the year.  These will be submitted for a vote at the July Council meeting.  You can find the proposed calendar and budget at this page.  Please take a look in order to cast an informed vote.

Elderly Knights and Widows Outreach

If you have been a member of our Council but have not been able join us for health reasons, or if you are the widow of one of our Knights, our Council would like to re-establish contact with you.  Feel free to send an email to grandknight@livermoreknights.org so that we can reach you.


RIP, SK Ed Rocca

Sir Knight Ed Rocca died last week and his funeral will be at 11 AM on Friday the 22nd at St. Michael church. Because Brother Ed was a 4th degree knight, a chalice will be presented to a priest who will use it to say Masses for Brother Ed. This chalice will be presented at 10:45 AM just before Mass.

Please attend the chalice presentation and Mass if possible and pray for our brother and his family.

Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei. Requiescat in pace. Amen.