January 1: Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God

January 5: The Epiphany of the Lord

January 12: The Baptism of the Lord

For upcoming event details, see our events calendar.

January 2nd: Dinner and Business meeting

Location: St Michael Large Hall, Dinner at 6:30 PM, followed by Business Meeting 7:00 PM

January 7th: Crab Feed Planning meeting

Location: St. Michael Knights portable,7:00 PM. Please prayerfully consider being part of the team that plans and executes this important event!

January 12th: Pancake Breakfast to support 6th grade Science Camp

Location: St Michael Large Hall 326 Maple St, Livermore. Serving 7:30 AM to 10:30 AM, Setup at 6:00 AM

January 13th: Men of Faith

Location: St Charles Borromeo Hall. Dinner at 6:30 PM

January 25: 21st Annual Walk for Life

Location: See details here in our events calendar.

January 30th: Officers and Directors meeting

Location: St Michael Portable, 7:00 PM


Tickets now available for our 52nd Annual Crab Feed & Auction

An evening of crab, dancing, fun, and giving back to those in need! For more details and to buy tickets, see our event listing.


Elderly Knights and Widows Outreach

If you have been a member of our Council but have not been able join us for health reasons, or if you are the widow of one of our Knights, our Council would like to re-establish contact with you. Please send an email to grandknight@livermoreknights.org so that we can reach you.